Best Short Nail Color Ideas That Inspire Your Beauty

We all get really excited when it comes to nail colors. We often think that to flaunt our nails and nail colors, we should have long French manicured nails. Most of the time we get to see pictures of long nails with square or almond-shaped tips on the internet and social media, but if you look deeper, you will find pictures of girls flaunting their nail colors with short nails. Short nails look too good and amazing if painted with suitable color. Moreover, short nails comes with its own benefits, when compared with long nails. Short nails are easy to maintain as they get less dirty and broken.
Adding on, short nails are easy when it comes to daily routine work. For example, washing dishes, typing, putting on or off contact lenses, picking up change from a super market counter and changing clothes becomes much easier with short nails, as compared to long nails, as they break and slow down our speed of doing house chores. Furthermore, short nails look good if they are French manicured or just manicured and have oval, almond or square-shaped tip. Moreover, painting them with the right nail color is a cherry on the top.
In this article we will discuss nail colors that are most suitable for short nails.
Let’s Find Out The Best Nail Colors For Short Nails!
Short nails look very elegant and classy if you choose the right color and most importantly, flaunt them in just the right way. It will slay your look and compliment any outfit you will wear. Here are some colors you can try on short nails.
Olive Green
If you have long, thin and slender fingers, then definitely this is the right shade for you. This olive green nail color will look stunning on short nails. Moreover, if you want to wear a nail color that matches and tweaks with your outfit, then olive green nail color is the right option for you, as it is not a vibrant or solid color.
If you want your friends and peers to notice your nail color while you scratch your chin or grab a glass of water, then go for this dark red wine color, also called merlot. It’s a vibrant and solid color which will give an enticing touch to short nails and your overall look. Moreover, this nail color will look more suitable on short nails with square or oval-shaped tip, and will complement dark and solid color outfits such as red, blue, purple and orange.
Turquoise is a bright and an eye-catching color that will never go unnoticed. This nail color will look best on short nails, especially if you wear it in summers on light color outfits. So, go ahead and flaunt your summery and gauzy look with this nail color and add prominence to your short nails. Here is the link if you want to purchase this nail color.
Although we associate black color with long nails, but it looks equally good on short nails. Since black color goes well with almost every color, so does the nail paint. If you want to show off your short nails, then black color is the best option. It gives a chic and sleeky vibe to your overall look, and looks perfect on short nails. In my opinion, black nail color is most appropriate for everyday routine.For the ones who want to put on this dark hue.
As much as it is common and simple, it is the best option for short nails. White nail color is suitable for everyday wear and occasions such as parties, weddings and casual get-togethers. It is a nail color that looks natural and gives a perfect finish to short nails. Moreover, if you are in a hurry and don’t have much time to choose the right nail color or go for a manicure, just grab onto a white nail color stashed in your drawer and put it on.
Red color is very attractive and eye-catching, so is the nail paint. If you want to give a hot and chic touch to your look, then wear this nail color. Red nail color looks perfectly fine on short nails and make them look natural. You can wear any shade of red such as pastel, wine or maroon. Personally I feel that red nail color gives an all romantic and passionate vibe and looks relatively more elegant on short nails because it looks witchy and Dracula-type on long nails.
Blue nail colors look very enticing and sophisticated on short nails, rather than long nails. in my opinion, although all dark nail colors look good on short nails, but dark navy blue hue gives an enticing touch to your looks that is comparable to none. Dark blue or navy blue looks very modish and gives a freshly manicured touch to short nails. For all the attention-seeker ladies with short nails, this nail color is the right choice for you.
Now that we know what colors are suitable for short nails, we should also keep in mind that it is equally important to take care of your nails so that they look smooth and healthy. For this, you need to smoothen your nails with quality tool kit, apply oil and nail buff on your nails to make your nails look smooth and shiny. In addition to this, nail experts suggest that you need to know the right technique to apply nail color on short nails. Therefore, while applying nail color on short nails, keep the nail brush a little distant from the side and leave it blank, as the sides blend with the fingers. Hence, you short nails will look slim and smooth if you use this technique.
Furthermore, if the mentioned nail colors are unavailable or you think they will not match your outfit, then you can also opt for nude and pastel shades of pink, indigo, blue and green.