Some Meaningful Spider Tattoos You Should Try

Written By Mason Smith Oct 30, 2023
Some Meaningful Spider Tattoos You Should Try

In This Article

We often think that tattoos are a symbol of fashion, funky or hip-hop look. Whenever we see anyone with a tattoo on their body, we link it with creativity and form of self-expression. Although it is a fact, but there are some tattoos which are beyond creativity and fashion. Spider tattoos or spider web tattoos are one of those tattoos that have history, myths, meaning and characteristics linked to it. In simple words, spider tattoo or spider web tattoo are not just a design, rather it is a complete science. 

Spider tattoos have various meanings and is a depiction of many things, including positive and negative. The connotation and meaning of spider tattoo is not consistent throughout the world, rather every country has their own definition of spider tattoo and spider web tattoo. Moreover, there are numerous myths and historical events pertaining to spiders across different cultures and religion in the world.

Moving on, we will discuss spider tattoo meaning and myths, and the spider tattoo that you can try out, in this article. Therefore, this article will help you understand the meaning of each type of spider tattoo which will further help you choose the one which highlights the meaning of your choice. 

Meaning of Spider Tattoos and Spider Web Tattoos Across Different Cultures 

Although we consider spiders as a dangerous and harmful insect which can bite us at any moment. If you ask me, I find spiders very scary and spooky and if I see one, it scares the hell out of me. Spider web tattoo represent patience, hard work, productivity and optimism. This is because spider weave their web with hard work, consistency and patience. Moreover, we link it with optimism, strength and courage because spiders continue weaving their web after completing one. Even if their web gets torn down or ruined, they continue weaving a new one and are courageous enough to trap insects and eat them. 

In many countries, spider tattoos are a symbol of good luck, wealth, wisdom and power. For example, in India, spider tattoos are a symbol of creativity and super natural powers. On the contrary, there are some negative interpretations attached to the spider web tattoo. Many countries perceive spiders as bad luck and misfortune. Furthermore, in some parts of the world, if a man has creepy eight-legged tattoo on their elbows, meaning spider tattoo, depicts that he is a criminal and has served imprisonment. In Russia, if the spider tattoo is in an upward direction, then it means the person is has moved on from crimes. 

Myths Linked with Spider Tattoos

You will find this part of the article very interesting and intriguing as there are many astonishing myths and stories about spiders. 

Spiders in Greek Mythology

There was a women named Arachne, who was an excellent weaver. She was killed by a Goddess named Athena. She later turned Arachne into a spider. According to this myth, spider originated from a human being, Arachne. 

Spiders in Native American’s Mythology

There was an old woman in native America’s tribe who weaved webs for new born babies to keep them safe from insects and harm. Therefore, according to this myths, spiders are considered a helpful creature, just like the old lady. 

Spider Tattoos and Their Meanings

Check Out the Ones You Want to Try Out!!

We will explore connotations about different species of spiders, separately. You can then decide which spider tattoo you want to engrave on your body, according to their meanings.

Black Widow Spider Tattoo

Black Widow Spider Tattoo

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This is one of the most frightening and scary spider tattoo amongst all. Black widow spiders are known for their deadly and remorse nature. These female spiders kill their male partners after spending time. Moving on to the meaning of this spider tattoo, it denotes feminism, women empowermentdanger and death. You can get this spider tattoo on your arms or neck for spooky vibe. 

Web Weaving Spider Tattoo

Web Weaving Spider Tattoo

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As mentioned earlier, spider’s web weaving nature is a symbol of creativity, struggle patience and optimism. Therefore, the meaning of this spider web tattoo is congruent to the nature of spiders. If you want to show people that you don’t give up easily, rather stand up for yourself after breaking, then go to your tattoo artist and get it engraved on any part of your body. 

Wolf Spider Tattoo

Wolf Spider Tattoo

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If you want to tell the world that you have a good eye-sight and can hunt your prey or want people to be beware of you, then this spider tattoo is the best option for you. Rush to the nearest tattoo artist and ask them to engrave a black spider with eight long and hairy legs, in a way that it seems to grasp your skin. 

Water Spider Tattoo

Water Spider Tattoo

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The meaning of this spider tattoo is unique and deep. You must be aware of the fact that water spiders are capable of weaving a silk web under water, hence the name water spider. Therefore, this spider tattoo depicts that it is equally important to have a good mental health as it is for physical health. This spider tattoo meaning has touched me a lot. I am sure you agree with me. 

Daddy Long Legs Spider Tattoo

Daddy Long Legs Spider Tattoo

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It is obvious from the name that this specie of spiders have long and thin legs. Spiders of this species are known to be harmless. If you get this spider web tattoo on your body, it will imply good hopes, positivity, good fortunes and health. Hence, I would suggest you to get this spider tattoo on your arms, as it is relatively simple and don’t have to bear pain. A black spider with thin long legs won’t take much to complete. 

Brown Spider Tattoo

Brown spider tattoo

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Brown spiders are mostly linked with money, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, if you are looking forward to these blessings, then ask your tattoo artist to make a brown spider on your hands or arms or neck, wherever you like. This is also a simple tattoo, but you can ask your tattoo artist to make it more attractive by adding colors and spider web tattoo. 


We have stated the meaning associated with each spider species which is exactly the same as the tattoo of that particular spider. However, it is not necessary that you just get a simple spider tattoo. Tattoo artists can make variations to your spider tattoo by adding colors, web and tattoo of other objects such as hourglass, heart, skull, balloon, snakes, pumpkins etc. before getting any spider tattoo engraved on your body, find out its meaning first, and then rush to your tattoo artist. 

small web


The Author

Mason Smith is blogger and writes articles on various aspects of lifestyle. some of them include, health, diet, travel and places etc.

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